Fuck cancel culture.

Sadly, last weekend at Gary Con, a bunch of idiots (I'm watching my language here, I'm tempted to use much stronger words for those cretins) have pushed Chirine ba Kal over the edge, for a couple of non-reasons that don't belong here. Chirine is one of the original rpg grognards, one of the original twin … Continue reading Fuck cancel culture.

Forgotten gems, part 1: Karmic Cycle

In the long and outrageous history of our hobby, there have always been designers who revolutionized gaming. Many innovations made it into the mainstream, like dice instead of chits, or dice pool systems. Other ideas were every bit as revolutionary, but still don't get the attention they deserve. Today:Let's talk about Dan Bayn's Karmic Cycle. … Continue reading Forgotten gems, part 1: Karmic Cycle