>> Pink Mohawk Archives // DOSpunk

1989 was the year my roleplaying world changed forever. Shadowrun First Edition (English) hit the shelves, and my group and I were among the first players in Germany to receive the hardcover book. Boy, oh boy. I loved everything about it. The art! I mean, look at that cover! It’s oozing adventure. The setting! The tech! I loved everything… well, okay, not everything, but most of it. What I didn’t like were the rules. Clunky, complex and slow… but still… I kept writing material for the world, and we kept playing through school, through university and well into our first professional jobs.

In fact, we’re STILL playing Shadowrun 1e (the setting, not the rules).

The Pink Mohawk Archives try to collect as much old fan-made SR1e material as possible. If you find something that’s not featured here, please let me know.


Download my one-dollar cassettepunk game DOSPunk!

Net Enhancements for Roleplaying Shadowrun NERPS

NERPS was an old mailing list for SR1, and the sourcebooks collected the ideas gathered there.

  • Edge Runners: interesting and far-out npcs
  • Foundations: Characters, plotlines, locations
  • Lost and Found: combines three planned NERPS books that never came to pass (including PSI and dragons)
  • ShadowLore: Races, magic, cyberware, bioware, matrix, tech
  • Underworld: Sourcebook on criminal activities in Shadowrun

Neo-Anarchist’s Guide to Everything Else NAGEE

The Neo-Anarchist’s Guide to Everything Else. Digital Fanzine. Six issues between 1992 and 1994, followed by three more 1999–2000.

The Plastic Warriors Netbooks

Their author,”Gurth”, was a star in the Shadowrun 1/2 era. He was ever-present on mailing lists and homepages. And you published a few darn good sourcebooks.


Playing SR 1e with minimal rules

Physical Adept Handybook

Adept Compendium 2065 (updated version of the Physical Adept Handybook above)

Cannon Compendium Redux: detailed rules for gun design

Drool. (1997) OK, so this was my first netbook ever. I’m still blushing. Because of many things, bad English and pseudo-toughness being among them.

Neo-Anarchist’s Catalog of Dispensable Necessities (1997): it was a good year for Shadowrun and me. NACODN was another netbook I published back then. Typeset with… Word. Oh well.

Blackjack’s Shadowrun page: Blackjack was HUGE in the 1990s Shadowrun scene. Plot ideas, gear, spells, archetypes… what you were looking for, he had it. And this one here is his new site:

The Big Knobi Klub: I’d say BKK was THE Shadowrun page on the net in the early days. A truly huge repository of ideas.

Dumpshock: The youngest addition to the plethora of material back in the days.

Mike Evans’s The Shadowrun Complete City Kit and New York City Guide

Mike Evans’s Shadowrun Background Generator

Chris Siebenmann’s 1993 elegant classic: A NEW Netrunning System for Shadowrun


I wrote a random generator for my friend Tanael’s rad Shadowrun Adventure Generation Tools.
Find it here: https://perchance.org/shadowrun-adventures



What happened till 2050:

2011: The “Awakening” occurs, marking the return of magic to the world. Mythical creatures such as elves, dwarves, and dragons reappear, and some humans begin to develop magical abilities. This event leads to widespread social upheaval and the emergence of new magical traditions.

2021: The first Matrix crash, known as “Crash 1.0,” occurs due to the emergence of the first true artificial intelligences (AIs). This event leads to widespread chaos and disruption in the global computer networks, as AIs attempt to assert their independence and control.

2029: The Euro-Wars erupt in Europe, leading to widespread conflict and devastation across the continent. The wars are fueled by nationalist and ethnic tensions, as well as corporate interests vying for control of resources and markets.

2031: The Treaty of Denver is signed, establishing the Denver Free Zone as a neutral territory open to all metahuman races and factions. This treaty sets a precedent for metahuman rights and autonomy, and Denver becomes a haven for shadowrunners and those seeking refuge from corporate oppression.

2034: The Native American Nations (NAN) secede from the United States, reclaiming territory and establishing sovereign nations for indigenous peoples. This event marks a significant shift in North American geopolitics, as the NAN assert their sovereignty and resist corporate exploitation.

2042: The Second Matrix Crash, or “Crash 2.0,” occurs, resulting in further destabilization of global communications networks. The crash is attributed to the emergence of new Matrix protocols and technologies, as well as corporate sabotage and manipulation.

2045: The Corporate Court is established as a governing body for the world’s megacorporations, providing a forum for resolving disputes and regulating corporate behavior. The Corporate Court wields significant influence over global affairs, often at the expense of national governments.

2048: The Great Dragon Dunkelzahn is elected President of the United Canadian and American States (UCAS) in a surprise political upset. Dunkelzahn’s presidency marks a period of increased metahuman rights and political upheaval, as he seeks to challenge corporate influence and promote equality.

2049: The Renraku Arcology Shutdown: The Renraku Arcology in Seattle is sealed off from the outside world following a mysterious event known as “the Shutdown.” The true cause remains unknown, but rumors of a rogue AI or magical catastrophe abound, leading to increased tensions and paranoia in the shadowrunning community.

2050 (now): The world is a chaotic mix of corporate intrigue, magical upheaval, and shadowy politics as various factions vie for power and influence. Shadowrunners navigate the treacherous waters of corporate espionage, magical threats, and political intrigue, seeking fortune and survival in a dystopian future.

The Awakening

The Awakening in the Shadowrun universe refers to the pivotal event that occurred in the year 2011, marking the return of magic to the world after thousands of years of absence. This phenomenon had far-reaching and profound effects on both the physical and social landscapes of Earth.

Manifestation of Magic:
The Awakening brought about the re-emergence of magical energy into the world. Overnight, individuals began to exhibit magical abilities, such as casting spells, summoning spirits, and perceiving astral space. This sudden awakening of latent magical potential affected a significant portion of the global population, with some estimates suggesting that up to 10% of humanity had the potential to wield magic in some form.

Appearance of Mythical Creatures:
Alongside the resurgence of magic, mythical creatures from folklore and legend began to reappear on Earth. Elves, dwarves, trolls, and orks manifested in the physical world, alongside more fantastical beings such as dragons and spirits. These new metahuman races brought with them their own cultures, traditions, and challenges, fundamentally altering the social fabric of society.

Transformation of the Environment:
The Awakening also had profound effects on the physical environment of the world. Areas of natural significance, such as ley lines and mana storms, became more prevalent, affecting the flow of magical energy and creating areas of heightened magical activity. These changes sometimes led to unpredictable and dangerous phenomena, such as mana storms that could devastate entire regions with their raw magical power.

Cultural and Societal Impact:
The sudden emergence of magic and metahumanity had significant cultural and societal implications. Traditional belief systems were challenged as the existence of magic and mythical creatures contradicted scientific understanding. Governments struggled to adapt to the new reality, grappling with issues of metahuman rights, magical regulation, and the integration of magic into everyday life.

Technological Evolution:
The Awakening also catalyzed rapid advancements in technology, as corporations and governments sought to harness magical energy for their own purposes. This led to the development of new technologies such as cyberware, biotechnology, and Matrix systems, which were often integrated with magical principles to create hybrid systems capable of interfacing with both the physical and astral realms.

Overall, the Awakening was a transformative event that reshaped the world in profound ways, setting the stage for the dystopian future depicted in the Shadowrun universe. It ushered in an era of magic, technology, and conflict, where shadowy corporations, mystical powers, and diverse metahuman races vie for control in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.

The world of 2050

The political landscape is complex and heavily influenced by the emergence of mega-corporations, the awakening of magic, and the resurgence of fantastical creatures such as elves, dwarves, and dragons. Here’s an overview of the key political elements:

Mega-Corporations: By the year 2050, mega-corporations have risen to unprecedented power and influence, surpassing many national governments in terms of wealth and control. These corporate entities, known as “megacorps,” wield immense political and economic power, often operating with impunity and manipulating governments to serve their own interests.

Nation-States: While traditional nation-states still exist, their power has diminished in the face of corporate dominance. Many governments have become increasingly reliant on corporate funding and support, leading to a blurred line between state and corporate interests.

Corporate Enclaves: Some megacorps have established their own fortified enclaves, effectively functioning as independent city-states within larger urban areas. These enclaves are governed by corporate law and security forces, further eroding the authority of traditional governments.

Magic and Metahuman Rights: The awakening of magic in 2011 has had profound political implications, leading to the recognition of metahuman rights and the formation of organizations advocating for the rights of elves, dwarves, trolls, and other metahuman races. However, discrimination and prejudice against metahumans still persist in many parts of the world, fueling social and political tensions.

Shadow Governments: Behind the scenes, shadowy organizations and secret societies wield significant influence over global affairs. These clandestine groups, such as the Illuminati and various magical orders, operate in the shadows, manipulating events to further their own agendas.

Global Conflicts: The world of Shadowrun is characterized by numerous conflicts and power struggles, both overt and covert. Corporate espionage, political intrigue, and outright warfare are common occurrences as megacorps vie for control of resources, markets, and strategic advantages.

Overall, the political situation in the world of Shadowrun is characterized by a complex interplay of corporate interests, magical forces, and geopolitical maneuvering, with power often concentrated in the hands of a wealthy and influential few.

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