Technique: Pidgin Adventures

Take a short synopsis of any published rpg module. For instance, I, being German and all, choose the German old school (1985) fantasy module “In den Fängen des Dämons” (roughly, “In the clutches of the Demon”). Write down or copy the plot segments, a few sentences for each. Write down the npcs and their relationships to each … Continue reading Technique: Pidgin Adventures

Mixed successes in The Landshut Rules

So you'd like to have mixed successes in your Landshut game. I get it. So please let me introduce the Dilemma Die. I've been using it for many years, in all kinds of games. The Dilemma Die is also a rule I use in minimald6, my other freeform rpg.How does it work?The DD is a … Continue reading Mixed successes in The Landshut Rules

Expanding Landshut games: add cards

The Landshut Rules are rooted in fiction-first gaming – even if their grandfather, the Braunsteins and Dave Arneson's Blackmoor, were invented by wargamers. My role model for gaming is Prof. MAR Barker, the inventor and author of Tekumel, and his way of roleplaying or refereeing:The "Perfected Rules", Prof. MAR Barker's roleplaying rules, are at the … Continue reading Expanding Landshut games: add cards