Troikatober! Another background: Old School Pro-Wrestler

You worked hard to be where you are. The marks love you. You were one of the best jobbers in the biz, and you never, not even once, broke kayfabe. When the time came, you were prepared. You know you were indispensable for the federation, and you negotiated well. Your moves are basic, but you can sell pretty well. And when you throw the sign for your generic legdrop, the crowd pops like crazy.

You start with 2d6+30 Stamina

Yellow t-shirt (you rip it to shreds before a match begins)
Huge biceps you call pythons

Advanced Skills 
3 Microphone Skills
2 Basic American Pro-Wrestling
3 Finishing Move (determine name)

You can start using your Finishing Move when your opponent has one-third or less of their Stamina left. After you perform your Finishing Move for the first time, your Advanced Skill for it decreases by 1 point every time you’re trying it again in a match. Once your Finishing Move Advanced Skill reaches zero, you can’t try it any more and have to wait till the match is over.

Basic American Wrestling 


P.S. Yes, I’m in the designing phases for a pro-wrestling RPG based on Troika!. Suitable for all players, no pro-wrestling knowledge required.

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